
by Cesare Rocchi

The Notifications Whore

by Cesare Rocchi

This post on Wired confirms even more the fact that I am not a target user for the Apple Watch.

Along the way, the Apple team landed upon the Watch’s raison d’être. It came down to this: Your phone is ruining your life. Like the rest of us, Ive, Lynch, Dye, and everyone at Apple are subject to the tyranny of the buzz—the constant checking, the long list of nagging notifications.

I am not a notifications whore. My phone is almost always in silent mode, with notifications only from VIPs. The only important notifications I get are the ones from the calendar and there’s no difference between important or not important. If it’s scheduled in the calendar it’s important.

Now the picture is even clearer to me. One of the Apple Watch selling points is fixing the notifications problem, which I don’t have. So it makes sense I am not excited about it.

Funny note. It took 5 years to have a lengthy post about the making of the iPhone. The Apple Watch is not even out and Wired has already published most of the backstage details. Like it or not, this is a totally new Apple.