by Cesare Rocchi

Navigation should be at the bottom

I like using my iPhone with one hand and I like apps optimized for one hand usage. I almost built one once. So this post by Cuberto hit a nerve. If you develop this kind of app for iOS you’ll need paddle upstream because UIKit components are not thought for this kind of layout. When I did it iOS7 was around. Some things might be easier now but the following hurdles are still around the corner when you place navigation UI at the bottom:

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On Signup Screens

There’s a very nice article by Sebastian Kreutzberger about improving UX by avoiding signup screens. There’s also a follow up post to address cross-platform issues. It’s all feasible, sure. But is it worth it? All of this just to avoid a signup form? I am all for a better UX and a signup screen can be seen as an “obstacle”. On the other hand a form is also a milestone. A customer entering her email is a form of commitment.

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Why Your App Needs A Walkthrough

This article first appeared in issue #5 of App Ville. Thanks Tope for allowing me to repost it here. There has been some heat around walkthroughs in mobile apps. I think it all started with the bold post by Max Rudberg, If you see a UI walkthrough, they blew it. Here is another take on the subject. And by the end of this article, you will understand why you need a walkthrough if you are truly innovative.

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