by Cesare Rocchi

iTunes parts

by Cesare Rocchi

Tags: itunes apple

I’d break iTunes down into the following apps:

  • Podcasts
  • App to buy/stream music/movies
  • App to buy/consume books/audiobooks
  • App to play/manage music libraries
  • iTunes U
  • App to synch data with mobile devices

I am fully aware that I don’t know what’s behind iTunes. Parts of my proposal maybe not be feasible given the current infrastructure or team organization. These are just the desiderata of a regular user that prefers small apps well done instead of a multi headed monster.

On iOS the break-it-down philosophy is already in place. There’s a separate app for podcasts, one for books and one for iTunes U. I’d follow the same approach on the Mac. To some extent this is already implemented. For example iBooks has a dedicated app on the Mac. And fortunately (takes deep breath and thanks) the Mac App Store was never a part of iTunes.

So Apple is definitely aware of this possibility and maybe it’s just waiting to give a P1 priority to the task “dismantle iTunes on the Mac”. Until then, let’s keep on searching for an alternative to play music.

And you? How you’d slice iTunes on the Mac? Let me know on Twitter.