by Cesare Rocchi

My WWDC week was about people

by Cesare Rocchi

Tags: apple wwdc

WWDC was two weeks ago. I watched some of the videos while I was in SF. I don’t remember anything, and I will watch them again.

What I remember vividly is the people that I met, so many and so passionate. I don’t remember what’s new in Swift 2.0 but I clearly remember who I met in SF, where and what we talked about.

The essence of a conference is not the new APIs or tools presented but the people you meet and the relationship you create or nurture.

If I had a WWDC ticket I’d have been worried to get the most out of it. Attending as many presentations as possible and asking as many questions as possible at the labs. Without a ticket I was free to organize breakfast with friends or to join somebody for a coffee, a hike or just a chat.
I am not saying there’s no value in a WWDC ticket, but with all the videos published on line so quickly, most of the value is in the labs.

The biggest value is in the side effect generated by WWDC. Tons and tons and tons of people that you usually “meet” online are in SF that week, in blood and flesh. And you don’t need a ticket to hang out with them.