by Cesare Rocchi

Should I build this app?

tags: blogging mac

I had a need. I chopped away a few hours here and there and built the prototype of an app. Blogging with Hugo or similar static site generators means using three tools:

  • the Terminal, to create new posts and start the local server
  • an editor, to write the post
  • a web browser, to preview the draft

I couldn’t find an app that embedded all these functionalities. So I built one, to feed the inner beast.

Here’s the video where I illustrate the prototype.

Should I go on and build it? I don’t know, and so I am asking for your help.

I put together a very simple form.

If by August 15th enough people are interested in an app like this I’ll start working on it. If not, no problem. Either way I’ll never send you spam.

I’ll remind you of the survey once a week, Until August 15th. And of course I’ll write a recap when the survey is closed.

It’s the first time I approach the development of an app this way and I am excited to see what happens.