by Cesare Rocchi

When I forget to celebrate

by Cesare Rocchi

Only when I stop and really think about it I recognize I made steps in the direction I wanted to. But I don’t stop to celebrate often.

One year ago I started drinking a glass of water as the first thing in the morning. It helps me a lot, much more than coffee, which I drink after. I do it every single morning. And every single morning I forget to celebrate.

In December I promised I’d blog every week day until Xmas. I did it. And I forgot to celebrate. Up until now :)

I admit I am not great at celebrating my achievements. I enjoy the moment just … for a moment, then I move on towards the next goal.

I should stop more, to celebrate my achievements, big or small. This reflection gives me the opportunity to lock myself in. I am picking my three words for 2016. I already have two and I wasn’t sure about the third. It’s gonna be “Celebrate”.

Tomorrow I’ll write about the other two.