by Cesare Rocchi

Every Scene is a Lesson

Dreaming is a way of trivializing the process, the obsession that carries you through the failure as well as the successes, which could be harder to get through. If you're dreaming, you're sleeping. It's important and imperative to always be awake to your feelings, your possibilities, your ambitions. ... Every step is a first step. Every brush stroke is a test. Every scene is a lesson. Every shot is a school.

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The spite machine doesn't look back

Pattern: regular dude/gal does something relevant and gets “famous”. Three options: ignore envy take inspiration The first option is the hardest nowadays. Big publications might write about the success of dude or gal, not to mention appearances on podcasts. Either you are on vacation and totally disconnected or chances are that you will hear about that story. It’s up to you to try to ignore it and keep walking on your path, but it requires some effort to not get distracted, at least to me.

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